we are Israelbees
Israelbees is more than a name. Israelbees is a mission and a state-of-mind that believes that mankind can live in harmony with nature. It is what happens when good people work together to restore balance to our environment and develop a positive global impact.
Our Vision
At Israelbees, we believe that humans need to adopt more sustainable practices. This way, we can coexist with nature and re-establish the critical connection with the ecosystem that sustains us.
Our Mission
Our mission is to increase the number of honeybee hives in Israel – keeping Israel the land flowing with Milk and Honey. IsraelBees supplies new hives to beekeepers who have lost hives and we set up new hives in areas that don’t yet have hives or have enough hives. IsraelBees trains students to become future beekeepers. Our activities help ensure that all the fruits and vegetables and other flowering plants that need pollination are thriving and bountiful..